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    Danger out names


    " It had a first name now it was made a name". Conversely here, one supposes that the first name is the acquisition innate of all, chosen by its pars, that the acts alone will personalize it. One leaves the family context, of the Name like representative of a "tribe", as if the name appeared only tardily. Moreover in our education, the child very early recognizes his first name, it is only at the age of speaking that him his name is taught, around 3 years. One gives him his name at the time only where it is able to repeat it. What corresponds in general to the period of the first schooling. One teaches him his name, not for him but to be different from the others. In our "social" expression of presently, it is with him to build it, to give him a direction. In this spirit there, one speaks about it that if the individual succeeded, in general professionally. To thus suppose, with the opposite, that a failure does not allow this acquisition. That which does not do anything will be named, just fore-mentioned, will not ultimately be infantilisé.

    In the army, one made you men, and the latter are dispossessed of their first names, each individual is called by his name: Dupont with the report/ratio, which have is made this we Durand?... Is this related on wide larger the different ones and the relative exhaustiveness of the first names, in order not to confuse two individuals between them? Possible but in this case why not to use the first name and the name? Saving of time? It is curious to note besides that not graded will be called by its name but which it does not have the right to name its superior only differently than by his rank. The graded similar ones will be named between them. To go up in rank is to be nominated in the table, more one is named and more one loses his name, the first name having to him disappeared as of engagement. As it is a question of specifying an individual, one then uses his rank followed by its name: Dupond captain, rank like substitute of the first name within a hierarchy. Substitutes which become very restricted, ranks not being very numerous. One finds here the displacement of a lack related to the family, related still to the "name of the father".

    What pushes a man to be engaged in the army, to carry the uniform? And what differentiates it from that which flies, takes drugs...? The comparison is not fortuitous, one finds at many of these men of the children where the mother was omnipresent or the father shone by his absence. There is a research of the limit, limiting which was not fixed in childhood. The prison is a substitute with the father as well as the Army. Drug and alcohol with the mother the research of the father...

    In certain areas, it is the name itself which disappears with the profit from the first name. "the Marie", "Paulette" often meet in the campaigns to call such or such person. A name can be perceived differently according to which employs. In the "cities" to affix it "to it" or "the" front a first name is pejorative since it is a variation of its use first. On the other hand, even if the expression is lost more and more, in shift especially it "it" is used, for the women of a certain age, mother in general and having a base in the village. The number of inhabitant it allowing and everyone knowing, one défamiliarise the nomination by the first name by adding an article to him. A substitute to some extent of "Mrs." or "Mister".
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