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    The couples between them have as a practice to name itself differently. A first name in company, a small name in the intimacy. It is initially a sign of recognition of the couple, an additional symbol. Moumoune, Mamour, Chéri(e), my Doudoune, my Baby, my cabbage, my Lolotte, my Nounours, my Hind, my Ruail, my Chip, my Gnognotte..., I let the reader add with this list the "small name" which it uses to name his (its) partner. The list is long, very long, certain couples seeking even to name itself like anybody, to be single for it with "prénommer" thus. But when one looks at the semantic fields of the expressions employed, there is only one step to cross to arrive at the vocabulary of the baby, with the speech which the mother maintains with her child when any young person it speaks to him.

    The "small name" goes from is in a couple, rare which is those use simply the first name. There is a need well to behave kind. A affectivisation of the relation by the means of the use of a small name. A regression towards the childish age where one takes the role of a relative vis-a-vis the loved being. These couples are however adult but they need to name the other as "mom" could have done it. A need for materner it to be liked. One lived unconscious, in addition with delayed-action of the relation oedipienne. This period when the child was with the shelter, was made safe by the statements of his/her mother. One plays the dad and mom. Far from being handicapping, this small name has the merit to confine without excess an unfinished situation which seldom ends. What to think then in a couple when the Other, named thus, is found in position of child, of baby? It is about an unconscious compromise, in turn the man or the woman takes the childish position maternante or paternante then when they are not both at the same time.

    " My sun" can be used by a woman for her husband, the reverse also exists, but when it is known that the sun is a male symbol, the man can think of the unconscious reasons which push to call thus it his wife. However the expression "you are the sun of my life" included in numbers of popular songs address to a woman.

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