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    Mars 2021 par Jean-François JULIEN

    Autour des Prénoms
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    Interview de François BONIFAIX dans Le Populaire du Centre

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    Mai 2020 par Pierre MATTHIEU

    Archie ou Amazonie, ces prénoms de personnalités qui buzzent
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    Interview de François BONIFAIX dans LA DEPECHE DU MIDI

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    Prénommer un enfant ce n'est pas simplement lui donner un prénom. Quelles peuvent être les conséquences psycho-logiques pour l'enfant et l'adulte qu'il deviendra dans le choix de son prénom ? On ne prénomme pas son enfant simplement parce que le prénom est "joli" ou "beau". Autour de ce choix se greffent d'innombrables autres raisons, certaines conscientes, d'autres non.

    Que deviendra le petit "Périphérique Nord" parce que sa mère y a perdu ses "eaux" en se rendant à l'hopital ? Et le petit Andy Capet ?

    Vous qui portez un prénom ? Qu'elle en est l'histoire ? J'espère qu'au travers de ces pages, illustrées d'exemples réels, certains trouveront des réponses, d'autres peut être découvriront des aspects d'eux-mêmes qu'ils ignoraient.


    Don't forget that a first name is given for the life, that it will have as much to be carried that all the remainder, the choice is not without consequences, I point out it. It has as well importance as of many trade developed around the first name. Between the jewels with its first name, the books on the history of the first names, today we are entitled to "new sciences"! Indeed, one can, supposedly, starting from a first name determine the character of the child, his professional future... The Paul will be valorous, Adelaide sensitive etc. By adding even a suspicion of numerology, Ca is there all is written, programmed in advance. What brings back to us to this generalization, and if such first name is the prolongation of such problems in the parents? There is no chance, if trade is made use of the first name, it is that there is an existing request or that one succeeded in creating it. There is always an unconscious motivation, a reality hidden, even if it takes direction in reality by a truncated exploitation, erroneous at only financial and diverted ends. All the Paul are not can be not valorous, too simplistic reasoning and general practitioner but our Claude, Camille and Domenica couldn't be the fruit of parents in lack of identity? In all cases our first names Peripheral, Vécé, Twingo are without any doubt the fruit of the human silly thing which finds their sources in the expression of an evil being. If the law changed, it is that it needed to be it. If the parents today turn to first names to foreign consonances or if they test the need to create them-even it first name of their child to be born it is that the way of naming and the reasons to name changed. I do not know if the term "to evolve/move" could be appropriate in such a case.

    There was several thousands years there, one speaks Jacob, Abraham, Moïse to us. Two thousand years ago of Jesus but Christ is not her name. It is only starting from the Middle Ages, we saw why and how, the first name and the name spread. But the choice is not so large and is very often limited to the calendar of the saints. It is besides the reason for which it also frequently arrives to me of speaking about the religion. That one is believing or not, the catholic religion is the base of our company, it is not omnipotent but omnipresent. That it is in the first names where for a long time only the first names of the saints were authorized but in the figures which we use tous.les.jours. One speaks then about symbolic system of the number (nothing to see with numerology). The seven for example is the realization of oneself: seven wonders of the world, seven days of the week or more recently seven mercenaries. The three is the child: dad-mom and me, the trinity, the father, the son and the healthy spirit. The twelve is treason: Judas was it twelfth apostle, that which sold Christ. The thirteen is not a figure bringer of ill-luck but that of Resurrection. Jesus thirteenth, having died then ressuscity.

    If the media moved, a long time with television Sunday morning it had there only the Sunday mass of diffused. At the school still today, school which is said laic, refuses the port of the Islamic veil whereas the chains and crosses are still raised.

    God and the first name


    With the wire of the pages, this need to name, prénommer, were done growing unceasingly. Of our "haspric" with Jean, we named, named, we represented all that we named, except... and like a ring of Moebius, the paradox brings back for us to the religion.

    In the religions monotheist, God should not be represented. When Moïse brings back the Tables of the Law, it asks its people to cease the idolatrery, to give up golden calf and the divinities for a single God with whom one will not set up statues. The texts insist on this point there until formal prohibition. What pushes a religion has not to have not the right to represent its creator? God, in the religion, made the man with his image, but it is thepowerful one. If the man represented it, it would have human image, image left entendement human. It would lose in fact of its divine dimension. It is because it is represented only it perdure.

    Let's see all the other beliefs, Greek, Roman, they were supplanted by what one cannot represent, thus keeping all its "mysterious" aspect and beyond being it of flesh. The only link which it was allowed to establish, the intermediary, was its "sons", of the god and the woman. God is very thing says us one and especially what is not representable, God is infinite and in all the characteristics which are brought to him this term returns to each stating, God is infinitely good, God is infinitely love... Nothing which can return the entendement human one to an unspecified representation.

    With at the time in Buddhism, Bouddha is represented, but he is not a god. But Buddhism is not a religion, it is a philosophy where all the things and the beings are represented either such as they are or métaphoriquement.
    To close, let us recall that it is not the choice of the first name which is the source of the traumatism. Prénommer his/her son Mathieu, his Audrey daughter is not problematic in oneself. What becomes it is the parental phantasm which brought to this first name You will thus say to me that we all are of the neurotics, I would answer you, yes and fortunately, it is what does to us what we are and all this richness that we carry, our diversity, our unicity, we owe it with these permanent interrogations. The neurosis finally it is what allows human being to further go it, beyond its clean limiting. Would be there can be a bond of cause for purpose with the intelligence, the evolution is not yet leaning on the subject.

    The first name in itself is not pathogenic. What it is necessary for all to consider it is the step. Andy for Andy Capet, Christophe because it carries the first name of a died child, Jeanne instead of Jean because the couple hoped for a boy, through these multiple examples, the traumatism resides there. It is potentially present and I insist on this point of "potentially". The life of the child is not very traced in what led to the prénommer thus. We start from a parental phantasm, but the child grows and fortunately it has its word to say. It is him which will decide later than it will make some, it is him which will use with the knowledge that it will have chosen it to what this phantasm will lead it.

    Don't forget either that any step in the choice of the first name is not inevitably "bad", consciously certainly but also unconsciously. This work stopped on obviousnesses, those which carry in them of the sufferings, of the hidden wounds. Many people will be can be recognized with the wire of the pages. They will have there can be discovered brief replies of their existence. Ways, new ways are can have appeared with the turning of a quoted example. But those should not draw the conclusion from it: "then it is a serious doctor?". It is not a question of fatal disease but well of life. The parents chose the first name through step, with the child to do of them what it wishes some, with the parents to know to give up this phantasm and to give the child what is with him, i.e. itself. It is the torch of the life. To return to each one what belongs to him, the phantasm must remain phantasm, the child must learn how to become. While looking at there more closely, as a whole the human being does not leave so badly only that there. Admittedly we carry all and a whole a first name which poses problems, but it is that we make some, the manner of living it, of accepting it or of driving back it which balances us or unbalances.

    It acts of predisposition when one pre-names... The future is thus very with us.

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